In line with our policy and the requirements of our clients and with their close cooperation, majority of our deployed drivers and operators have undergone a good package of HSE training courses, including but not limited to the following:
- Journey Management Training Awareness
- Night Driving Courses
- Seat Belts Awareness
- Road Risks Management Awareness
- Defensive Driving
- Emergency Response Awareness
- H2S Awareness
- Etc.
The said training courses have in and by itself helped develop a good and safe culture of driving within the local communities. It gained more respects increasingly as it led to less road accidents and it eventually made good majority of the local people to change their bad habits of driving which were to great degree deeply rooted in them.
It suffices to say that from 2012 to end of 216 we’d had around 250 different VIP drivers transferring more than 1000 staff on a daily basis for Shell in Majnoon Oilfield and out of the field and during that big period we did not have a single major incident or even a single minor LTI. And for this success, we were awarded the LTI Free reward for all those five years.