Employees’ words

Here are VIP Employees’ words, in brief:

  • I shall follow all HSE requirements and best practices.
  • I shall take the time I need to do the work safely.
  • I shall never do the work if it cannot be done without any risk.
  • I shall take remedial actions when I see unsafe or undesirable conditions.
  • I shall always use the right PPE and encourage and advise others to do so.
  • I shall foresee and prevent potential hazards and accidents.
  • I shall protect life and health of employees and the public.
  • I shall minimize harmful emissions to air, water and ground.
  • I shall assess the long term effects of our activities and implement necessary corrective actions.
  • I shall be in the forefront in environmental care and safety.
  • I shall always maintain our facilities and properties.
  • I shall be polite, courteous and respectful to others; I will not be rude or offensive
  • I shall treat others equitably and fairly; I will not discriminate or harass
  • I shall listening to what others have to say; I will not swear or insult
  • I shall be open-minded to others’ ideas, comments and suggestions; I will do no harm to people
  • I shall value diversity among our teams and others; I will not degrade look down at people